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Effective intellectual investment

WHRF Donations Form

We have no cure for many diseases, leaving people with pain, suffering or even an early death. The more we know, the more avenues we learn to explore – but not all can be funded. Many pioneering, exciting ideas are overlooked for funding – just because they are innovative.

This is where WHR comes in.

WHR needs new funding to ignite further acceleration of medical technology and research, to increase our chances of discovering more cures to more diseases.

Our approach is exceptional as we invest 100% of all donations to seed-fund this vital new research. In this way, our support is a catalyst, powering pioneering work from innovative researchers.

Our holistic method means we fund new research projects and so too PhD studentships, research fellowships and cutting edge-equipment to facilitate the research projects.

There is an acute need for more early-stage research to find long-term solutions for those needing treatment today and for those who will need treating in the future.

WHRF Donations Form

Contact for further details and to discuss partnership opportunities.



I really value the funding the William Harvey Research Foundation provided me, it enabled me to carry out a pilot project that was far too preliminary for larger funders. The Foundation saw the potential in my idea and allowed me to create and test a novel highly selective therapeutic.

Website design and development by Adept Lab photography by: Gary Shwartz